Inktober 2018
For this Inktober, I put together a list of all the Starfinder races, themes, and classes, and then rolled up 31 random characters.
For day 1, I rolled up a Space Goblin Xenoarchaeologist Envoy. So, here is "Doctor" Giblet. Nobody knows how he got on the dig team's starship, and they make sure to never let him near the actual artifacts, but he's surprisingly good at keeping the equipment running, and he's pretty good at keeping morale up.
For day 2, I rolled up a Woioko Xenoseeker Mystic. The Woioko are an aquatic people descended from eel-like creatures, and they have a strong connection to the aquatic world.
Day 3 is a Ferran Dream Prophet Soldier. Ferrans are from a heavy-world that orbits a black hole, so they're usually pretty rough and tumble, but this guy seems pretty chill. He's also a follower of Desna, the goddess of dreams.
Day 4, we see a Shobhad Priest Soldier, a devout follower of Damoritosh, the god of conquest and battle.
Day 5, an SRO Space Pirate Solarian. Better give them your credits, if you value your squishy meat-parts.
Zegazig here is the character for day 6 - a Skittermander Icon Technomancer. He's a performer on the vid and music scene, using his magic to create fantastic light shows and dazzling displays as he sings. He's also an unstoppable ladies' man, and thinks that the taller the lady, the better.
Day 7: Seprevoi Cyberborn Solarian. This one had a lot going on, so I decided to simplify on the solar armour effect a bit, going for the option that is given where it can manifest as swirling energy around you.
Day 8, we have a Contemplative Dragonblooded Mechanic and their drone. I rolled for the colour of the dragon that they had in them, and got copper.
Day 9, we have a Dragonkin Xenoseeker Mystic. He's a sucker for small helpless-looking critters. If it is cute and fluffy, he WILL pet it. And gods help you if you threaten a soft fluffy creature around him.
Day 10, it's an Urog Priest Operative. I honestly couldn't think of a serious way to make this work, as the Urog are Large silicon-based mathematics-obsessed creatures that don't really 'get' subtlety, and Operatives are all about subtlety, so I went silly.
Day 11 is a Witchwyrd Spacefarer Solarian. The Witchwyrd are a mysterious race that tend to stay on the fringes of civilized space, interacting neutrally with all major factions. It's rumoured they created many of the other four-armed races, such as the Kasatha and Shobhad.
Doctor Drovan Beltane left Apostae after being consumed with a wanderlust for the galaxy, knowing he'd never be allowed to progress in the matriarchal society there. Studying in xenogeography on Qabarat, he eventually earned his doctorate and joined the Starfinder Survey Corps.
Here we have a Veranthi Roboticist Operative. The Veranthi are a humanoid race from the planet Verces, notable for some vaguely mouse-like features.
Astrazoans are a race of shapeshifting aberrations, able to take on humanoid forms. This fellow has decided to make his appearance deliberately strange, to make sure people are under no illusion that he isn't actually a standard humanoid. He's found that being up-front about it puts people more at ease than if he tries to perfectly emulate a humanoid and slips up somewhere.
Professor Avalin Lindush is a xenoengineer who has made herself the Starfinder Society's go-to expert on alien shipbuilding. She's got a knack for spotting even the slightest details in starship design, and has proven invaluable in spotting weaknesses in a number of hostile alien designs that allowed the Stewards to gain advantages in battles.
Day 16 we have a Kasatha Tempered Pilgrim Envoy. Not really much to say about this one, except that I had kinda noticed I was drawing a lotta guys for this challenge, so I decided to draw a curvy lady to compensate.
Day 17, a Shirren Dragonblood Soldier. I suspect this person studies red dragons...
This Barathu has seen every single Blasto the Jellyfish movie. Perhaps it's gone to their head...
Day 19, an Ikeshti Outlaw Soldier.
Day 20, 2/3 of the way through! I don't think arguing with his AI is going to help much, but he likes to do it anyway.
After a brush with undeath, Sharyn Oleyin became a devout follower of Pharasma, and went in to study the path of the Mystic. She'll do her best to keep you alive, or see that your soul goes safely to the Boneyard if she can't.
Selamids are a race of intelligent oozes from the planet Siselrik, where gravity fluctuates wildly. This particular Selamid is an expert at navigating those fluctuations, and is more than willing to apply that expertise to flight. They've also found that it's a lot easier to talk to solids with the helmet on, as it gives an obvious place for people to focus their attention.
Shimreen are crystalline humanoids able to reform their bodies to produce various structures, including weapons.
Man, Draeliks are lanky and weird. This fellow seems to make it work though.
I think this lady likes pink and purple. Just a hunch.
Khizars are strange creatures, being humanoid plants that, while technically blind, have the ability to sense any life within a certain range of them and use that to 'see'.
Velashi has worked her whole life to distance herself from the Reptoids' reputation as manipulative deceivers. She currently works on terraforming projects in the Vast, and uses a form that is a sort of 'halfway point' between a Reptoid and a Human to put people at ease.
This Geneturge Mystic obviously doesn't believe that Charisma's a dump stat.
Nobody ever suspects the space trucker!
"Yeah sure, I'll take care of anythin' you want, long as you pay me."
And finishing off, we have an Android Scholar Envoy. I maybe had too much fun with the patterning on her top.