D&D - Salty Dogs NPCs

A selection of NPC portraits for the pirate game I run!

 Redstack NPCs

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd drow dark_elf woman armour noble dark_glasses

Lady Omrass, the noblewoman who oversees things in Redstack. Very concerned with how people percieve her.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd drow dark_elf snooty fancy_clothes dark_glasses

Dockmaster Vimru Drarza, the man who oversees all traffic in and out of the harbour.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd tiefling antlers tall lanky woman lingerie

Passion, she who runs Bluebell, the premiere brothel in Redstack. A tiefling who's one step shy of being a fey, and loves making deals.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd elf salesman sleazy

Kellam Heisalor, owner of a 'refurbished and gently-used' ship yard. He's happy to make a deal any time.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd tiefling woman barmaid

Kalbis, the owner and operator of the Safe Whale Tavern. She will throw you out if you mess with her. Her husband, Mavrut, is the cook.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd tabaxi shopkeep old lynx

Steady Rock, the shopkeep and owner of Steady Supply. If you need anything for a ship journey, he's the guy you yell to; he's hard of hearing, and keeps a slate at hand for those who can't make themselves understood to him.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd gnoll fishmonger fisherman

Othog of the Gloating Mutts, one of the most-respected fishmongers in Redstack. He's said to be able to tell you exactly when a fish was caught by smell alone.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd drow dark_elf woman artificer

Thalriel Coluil, owner of The Book of Riddles. Frenetic purveyor of magic items with 'lots of character'.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd half-elf drow woman dark_skin light_hair

Chessolin Nenea is a half-drow woman who takes care of the folks in Redstack's poorer community who can't take care of themselves. This has led to her being a bit of a de-facto community leader among the downtrodden. She also tends to carry all her things with her, as she will stay with the folks she's helping, and doesn't have a home of her own.

The Tide NPCs

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd halfling woman barmaid redhead

Eoni Strongfellow, bartender at the Parlour and head liason for the Tide in Redstack; the thieves' guild. Whip smart and able to haul full grown men out the door.

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd kenku assassin fez sweater_vest

Saw Pull, Eoni's right-hand and busboy/ server at the Parlour. Also a living security recorder for the Tide.


Fin-Bite Goblin Tribe

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd goblin sailor sea_goblin

Cak Fin-Bite, one of the Fin-Bite Goblins serving as a paladin retainer for the party.

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd goblin sea_goblin sorcerer female short_stack

Nertit Fin-Bite is the youngest and most confident of the Fin-Bite tribe's shamans, and serves as a sorcerer retainer for the party.

toasterpip character goblin rpg D&D dnd 5e family cleric mason commoner

Steb, the oldest shaman in the Fin-Bite tribe, and her sons. DegDig is one of the tribe's more capable generalists, and doesn't stand out much. Meglot had a run-in with a sahuagin when he was younger, and has an interest in stonemasonry. Frailgut is a bit dim, but is strong and nimble, so he makes a good gofer on jobs.


Scrubtail Kobolds

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd kobold tribal spear leather_armor

Turke Red-Circle, leader of the Red-Circle clan of Scrubtail Kobolds. He wields an ancestral spear crafted from the teeth of a tyrannosaurus, originally a gift from the Black Claw clan.

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd kobold elderly sorcerer shaman

Grandmother Cloud-Eyes is one of the Red-Circle clan's most trusted elders. She's a sorcerer able to cast relatively strong spells like sending. While she's been blind for almost a century now, she's lived enough years for her experience to give her a keen insight into the world.

toasterpip character rpg D&D dnd kobold spear shield tribal

A typical Red-Circle spearman. Their spears are tipped with either large dinosaur teeth or claws.

toasterpip character rpg d&d dnd kobold spear dinosaur deinonychus

A Red-Circle swiftclaw rider. The Scrubtails employ tamed and semi-domesticated dinosaurs as mounts - in this case, a deinonychus, which they call a Swiftclaw.