Furcadia - Kanoa Lacgele

toasterpip An image of Kanoa Lacgele, formerly a human witch, in her new miqo'te form. The image depicts her in three different outfits. She has long copper hair usually kept in a pair of thick, loose braids. Her face and other exposed parts of her fair skin show extensive, albeit faded, scarring. She has green catlike eyes, cat ears, and a tail. The left outfit, labelled "Everyday Cozy", features a blue-grey knitted sweater coat over a green tunic, black short skirt, brown vest, and thigh-high grey socks and leather boots. The middle outfit, labelled "Sharlayan Student", features a yellow blouse, green tie, green blazer, and a two-layered blue and black skirt, over thigh-high grey socks and boots with red laces. The right outfit, labelled "Botanist Work", features a green overall-dress left unbuckled on the left shoulder, over a white blouse with a sky blue undershirt. It includes a large straw hat with flowers, and a belt pouch with other various plants.

Kanoa got herself a new look thanks to a Fantasia given her by her fiancee. She's far more comfortable now than she was originally, letting her be confident enough for some more showy outfits like these.