Everything Else

Gift Art - Sheila Menorah Dress

toasterpip character furry fox arctic_fox child dress cute vulpine_amethyst Sheila

A quick doodle gift for my friend Sheila. She'd linked a cute dress and her desire to have it, so I drew it!

Gift Art - Lia Birthday 2022

toasterpip character furry fox flirting dress

Birthday gift for my friend Lia, of her character being super flirty.

Gift Art - Knave of Hearts

toasterpip gift art furry fox smolninalia superhero magical_girl hearts heart_theme card playing_card

Development on a "superhero" design for my friend Lia. Her character is very cute.

Gift Art: Softy Birthday Pictures

These pictures are gift art done for a friend of mine for their birthday.


softy-pokewolf giftart gift birthday

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